Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The more and more I talk the more and more I realize words are useless. Well not completely, but at a point they just become words, mindless babble. The Bible talks about this right? Talking for the sake of talking. Well. I am finished with talking, or just talking. God has been pulling at my gut to get up, to go... to Africa? Europe? Hawaii? Nope. To the coffee shop? The bank? The store where I like their skirts? Yep. To the places where God is unexpected, love isn't usually worried about, you're just getting a drink, buying a shirt right? I am finding out, that in fact I am not. I am meeting people, faces, stories, that if I gave a crap about I would listen, I would ask. I would do more than sit or shop. I would bother to ask their name. I am frustrated with trying to convince those that don't listen that God loves them and yet requires something of them. Maybe we worry too much about the obvious? Or maybe what is good to hear...of course God loves us. He died for us, we can get it that. Maybe not at all the time, but it's not hard to fathom that God loves us...He created us. It would be unnatural for a parent to forsake His child..I think He even talks about this right? Maybe what those at the coffee shop and clothing store are astounded by is that this God is so revolutionary, so unconventional that He gets those that "follow" Him to give up all they have for the sake of them. That He wants these wretched people to show love, they don't have. If this God can change these people that look past me everyday, that complain I am not doing it fast enough, that worry only about their life. If this God can get them to smile, to have joy, to love, to look at them and want to know them, then maybe this God is real. Maybe He does something for people, to people. Maybe just maybe God loves them, really loves them, so much that He can get others to love them too. Maybe the concept of God isn't that hard to fathom, maybe it's that God changes people. Why is that?